Pictures and chat responses with mom 12/8/2014


Sister Browning’s MTC companion was Sister Lee in the gray sweater. Her district went to WA. Her zone was split between WA and TX.

 This was at the MTC.  I didn’t get to send these!!!


Look at that skirt! So like my girl to crawl around on the ground and scoop up all the snow she could to make that little guy.

I built a snowman!!! The biggest one I could manage!!! But it was nice to see snow before I left!


Neicia’s companion Sister Dlamini from Johannesburg.

I went shopping for food!!! That was good I was starving!!! I didn’t have food and had to wait until today!! Mondays are awesome!


Sister Browning is feeling tall for once. Cutest comps ever!

So there are a whole four missionaries in my zone, us and two elders!!! That’s fun!! Haha!!!  My comp. doesn’t do Christmas that much!!! Not cause she was poor they just don’t!!! She says it’s like our Thanksgiving!! Food and family-no tree, stockings, presents, lights! nothing!!! I will try to buy her a stocking!!! I don’t have money because for some reason I only got 40,000 K on my debit!! I don’t even know how I am going to eat lunch and pay for transportation but I will figure it out!!! I get paid on the 15th so I just have to starve until then!!!


Thanksgiving dinner!



This was my feet the first day out!! Boom! Nasty, right!! Yeah, only out for about 3’ish hours that day!! Days are weird here! Not normal missionary hours!!! I don’t have to be out until 10:00 every morning and I leave my area at 5:00! get home at 6:00! I spend a lot of time in my flat!! But that’s the rules we gotta stay safe here!


Sister Browning’s bed

I love bug spray and my mosquito net! I found a light switch to my room by my bed last night!! It was hidden. Made my day!!!


Not too shabby for some missionaries in Africa.

Christmas here isn’t like at home!!! It’s not that big!!! Today was the first day I’ve heard Christmas music besides the stuff I put on!


Some local kids

So, mom asked if I was in city or village!!! A village!!! Not in the big city!!! It’s a tiny place called Zingwangwa! Also in Chilobwe!


The village where Sister Browning is serving

It is so beautiful!!! This is a picture of my area!!! My people’s houses!!! I love all the trees here in Malawi!!! We call it the Garden of Eden in the mission! Geez, I love it here!!


Taken on her hike from above the village

Here there are no addresses for the most part!!! But it is fun!!!! It is crazy learning another language though!!! I don’t get to study it like most people learning, who get an hour everymorning, its just on the go!! I’m using Chichewa and African-English. I wish they had a Book of Mormon in Chichewa!! That would be cool!!!


All these coins are only worth about .80 in American currency.

I sent some of this home!! I don’t think anyone would take it. It’s like stealing pennies!!! Actually, I didn’t send coins!!! So nobody will be able to tell it is there!!! You’ll get it in a couple of months 😉 It’s for the girls though!! Dad’s is coming in a bit but I didn’t get his letter sent off this time so I have to wait for somebody to come get the mail!! Remember we have no mail boxes!! No addresses!! That makes it fun when asking somebody where they live!!! My church’s address is “behind housing, by the broken down truck!” They understand! I don’t!


Malawian Kwacha

Malawian Kwatcha worth close to nothing!!! I get 50,000 Kwatcha every two weeks!! All those coins, about 80 cents American money!!  My wallet is FAT with all the money and I am not rich!!


That’s a lot of people for a soccer game. Do you see any women?

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Some happy guy

They like their pictures taken here!!! They ask!!!


Oh, and monkeys just chill here like cats do at home!!!



This is on the hike!!! Africans are afraid of Paschal (think Tangled)… it made me laugh!!! His face, man!!

He loves you, I love you! Stay strong!! Keep the emails coming!!! I will too!!! 🙂 Zikomo kwambili, teonana! (Thanks so much, Bye bye!)


Group Email from the MTC Nov 20, 2014

I think she’s really enjoying herself….made clear by the caps and exclamation points.  I love my girl’s infectious exuberance.

Letter home from MTC Nov 18, 2014

Dear Family,

My companion is Sister Lee.  She’s from Houston, Texas.  My P-day is on Thursday.  They gave us this form to write a letter to you on.  They didn’t say we were only limited to the lines on the paper!  Tender mercies!  So it’s Thursday now but it feels like I’ve been here a week not day two.  It’s CRAZY how full our days are.  My first day was great!  I already got to teach!  The spirit is so strong here!  Everyone in my district is going to Washington  So it’s just me!  It’s fun.  My comp is okay!  She is 22.  I am amazed by how many older sisters there are.  Sister Dale is 25!  She’s in my district!  I like it here!  Tomorrow I’ll get a calling!  I’m excited.

So a little info on how we teach here.  People, non-members/investigators, or members can be hired to come in and get taught by us.  So I taught this one guy names Chi-Cho (non-member) and we actually were able to get him to accept our message. Well, God’s message!  I really am loving it here.  It is awesome and way happy!  It’s crazy how much I have learned in just under 48 hours!  Sleep is murder but I am very happy and evidently always smiling!  I ran into Sister Hubert today!  That was awesome!

The spirit here is so strong I understand why it’ll be so hard to be released!  Also, I now understand how hard it’ll be for an investigator to not accept the truth!  That hasn’t happened yet but I already love the people I’m teaching.

Visa?  Where/how/when/ do I get it?
Just got back from the gym.  It’s the first bit of free time I’ve really had  So my zone has this weird game/prank thing I didn’t know about!  Now I do…It’s called banana.  So yesterday I am at lunch and grab a banana.  Sit down and begin eating it.  Sister Bell (she’s the one who emailed you for me) yells, “We’ve got a banana!”  So the district that came last week in our zone all have ipads.  So they all take out the ipads while sister Bell explains, “You will now begin eating the banana the way we tell you to.”  They converse secretly with one another and then announce that I’ll be eating my banana like an elephant!  What!  I am also to try and make elephant noises in the process!  I gained respect!  At first I tried putting my nose (trunk) into it.  Then decided pretending my hand was a trunk was better!  It was actually really hard!

Tell Kalten, Trevin and Allison I love them and I want a letter from them pronto that way I can wrote back next Thursday.  I love you all and miss you but I am way happy!  Love Sister Neicia Browning (Getting used to that!)